Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Open Laboratory 2013 the complete list of entries!

Open Laboratory 2013 ? the complete list of entries!

We just closed the submission form for the 2013 edition. Thank you all who submitted the posts.

Below are all the blog posts submitted over the past year. I need to crowdsource some help first. In the comments, please let me know if you notice any duplicates, any posts that are outside of the Oct.1, 2011 ? Oct.1, 2012 date range, any spamblog/plagiarised works of others, or anything other improper.

I?d also appreciate it if someone actually counted the entries so we know the final number. Thanks.

Year?s editor will be announced soon, and then the judging process will commence. In the meantime, read the 2012 edition!


13.7: Cosmos and Culture (NPR): Do Birds Hold Funerals?
13.7: Cosmos and Culture (NPR): Killer Whale?s Message To SeaWorld Captured On Video
13.7: Cosmos and Culture (NPR): Are You Hard-Wired For Compassion? How About Cruelty?
13.7: Cosmos and Culture (NPR): Retirement Home Or Research Lab? Report Weighs Fate Of U.S. Chimpanzees

3 Quarks Daily (Julia Galef): My Little Pony: Reality is Magic!

The II-I- blog: We, the pioneers.
The II-I- blog: The Great Revolution

A Blog Around The Clock: Tigers take to the night ? for peaceful coexistence with humans
A Blog Around The Clock: Science Blogs ? definition, and a history
A Blog Around The Clock: Clocks, metabolism, evolution ? toward an integrative chronobiology
A Blog Around The Clock: How barley domesticated its clock
A Blog Around The Clock: The New Meanings of How and Why in Biology?
A Blog Around The Clock: #scio12: Multitudes of Sciences, Multitudes of Journalisms, and the Disappearance of the Quote.
A Blog Around The Clock: Books: ?Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science? by Michael Nielsen
A Blog Around The Clock: Myths about myths about Thanksgiving turkey making you sleepy

A Chemical Life: Aphids, carotenoids and photosynthesis

A Hippo on Campus: Why men don?t listen and women are great at maths

A Schooner of Science: Fever dreams ? the true tale of Richard Spruce
A Schooner of Science: The Brewer?s Yoke, the Domestication of Microbes

Addiction Inbox: Reward and Punish: Say Hello to Dopamine?s Leetle Friend
Addiction Inbox: Army Doctor Sees Victory, and a Dangerous Drug Bites the Dust?Almost.
Addiction Inbox: Night Owls Get a Coffee Break
The New Highs: Are Bath Salts Addictive?
Addiction Inbox: The Summer Olympics and the ?War on Doping?

Aetiology: Obstetric fistula as a neglected tropical disease

Alien Plantation: Why invasives are problematic
Alien Plantation: This sh*t is bananas
Alien Plantation: Agave de Mayo

Almost Diamonds: About Those Gay Homophobes
Almost Diamonds: Writing Fiction with Science: Pedophilia
Almost Diamonds: About That Evo Psych Polygamy Stuff

AlunSalt: The earliest astronomers?

Amasian Science: Condemned to a Skeletal Prison
Amasian Science: Emasculated by the Asian Glow
Amasian Science: It?s a Male. It?s a Female. No?it?s a Gynandromorph!
Amasian Science: The problem with gender verification in the Olympics.
Amasian Science: The Biology of Star Wars: Are exogorths just really big caecilians?

Anole Annals: If You Want A Lizard To Run Fast, Yell At It

Anthropology in Practice: Beware: The Ides Have Come. No, Really. This Time It?s True.
Anthropology in Practice: What Makes a Rabbit?s Foot Lucky?
Anthropology in Practice: What Time Does The Cock Crow?
Anthropology in Practice: Why Do We Say ?I?m Not Sick? When We?re Really Sick?
Anthropology in Practice: What Are the Costs of Lending a Helping Hand?
Anthropology in Practice: Questioning Permanence: Would You Get a QR Code Tattoo?
Anthropology in Practice: The Barry White Syndrome: Why Are Deep Voices Attractive?
Anthropology in Practice: Oracles Past and Present: Our Means of Managing Information
Anthropology in Practice: Standards of Healthcare in Your Medicine Cabinet

The Artful Amoeba: Fountains of Life Found at the Bottom of the Dead Sea
The Artful Amoeba: Deadly and Delicious Amanitas Can No Longer Decompose

Artologica: From the Cells to the stars

Astrogator?s Logs: Junk DNA, Junky PR
Astrogator?s Logs: ?Arsenic? Life or: There Is TOO a Dragon in My Garage!

Astropixie: Science ninja

The Atavism: You can?t ban redheaded sperm

Au Science Mag: Geomagnetic Reversals ? the end of the world?
Au Science Mag: Homeopathy and Medical Ethics ? Aberdeen Skeptics in the Pub

Australian Science Magazine: Here be Dragons
Australian Science Magazine: Networking the Solar System
Australian Science Magazine: Saving Australia?s Koalas
Australian Science Magazine: The clues to human uniqueness
Australian Science Magazine: Plastics Make it? Problematic
Australian Science Magazine: Who Doesn?t Love a (Penguin) Parade?
Australian Science Magazine: The tribe that eradicated rinderpest
Australian Science Magazine: A brand new boson?
Australian Science Magazine: Mysterious Mars
Australian Science Magazine: The Mathematics of War
Australian Science Magazine: Got Science? Australian Science on Display at Mitchelton State School
Australian Science Magazine: Does my Science look big in this? October edition

The Autism Crisis: The idiot savant story

Babel?s Dawn: Language Serves the Group

Backstory: Breaking Down Addiction

Basal Science Clarified: Building the tallest sandcastle

Beach Chair Scientist: An important call for more forage fish to remain in the sea
Beach Chair Scientist: Dear Online Science Writing Community: A reminder for ?call to actions? because your perspective is priceless
Beach Chair Scientist: No balloons at the celebration for the Beach Chair Scientist ?
Beach Chair Scientist: Playing well with others? Dissecting the tension between the scientist-educator community

The Beach House: Where to land Mars Curiosity for the best science? I asked Marion Anderson, who helped choose the landing site.
The Beach House: Interview with lead Mars Rover driver Matt Heverly
The Beach House: Amateur astronomers quickly find out they need to learn ?Messier objects?. Here?s a great resource.
The Beach House: My mega grab-bag of astronomy resources for teachers, students, telescope beginners and space fans
The Beach House: The whole Earth-side of the Moon should be protected forever
The Beach House: An awesome early Christmas morning sky viewing, totally worth getting up early for.

Beaker: Rare bone disorder reveals new insights into autism
Beaker: What would Nature do?

Beatrice the Biologist: How the Brain Works (cartoon)
Beatrice the Biologist: Amoeba Hugs (cartoon)
Beatrice the Biologist: Single Cell is Just Fine, Thank You (cartoon)
Beatrice the Biologist: Why You Should Finish Antibiotics (cartoon)

Big in Science: Blood-Clot Busting Nanoparticles

Biobabel: On Transposable Elements and Regulatory Evolution

Biocreativity: 2012 Darwin Day Portrait Project
Biocreativity: ECO Art + Science: Sculpture of Ecologist Gary Grossman
Biocreativity: ECO Art + Science: Photographs + Blog of Ecologist Margaret Siple
Biocreativity: ECO Art + Science: Scientific Illustrator Emily M. Eng
Biocreativity: ECO Art + Science: Nature Illustrator Stephanie van Ryzin
Biocreativity: ECO Art + Science Series: Metalsmith + Entomology Enthusiast Charity Hall
Biocreativity: ECO Art + Science Series: The Sustainable Art of Emily Bryant
Biocreativity: Eco Art + Science Series: The Inked Animals of Adam Cohen + Ben Labay

Biodiversity in Focus: The Good, the Bad, and the Zombees
Biodiversity in Focus: Twitter for Scientists (and why you should try it) (#ScienceShare)
Biodiversity in Focus: Dipterist Files ? Willi Hennig
Biodiversity in Focus: Citations, Social Media & Science
Biodiversity in Focus: New species wants you to See No Weevil

The Biology Files: Hey, moms. Got science?
The Biology Files: Women know something you don?t
The Biology Files: Alice?s Red Queen and resurrected invertebrate warriors

Biopolitical Times: Anatomy of a Webpage: Marketing Fetal Gene Tests and Sequenom?s MaterniT21

BishopBlog: Time for neuroimaging (and PNAS) to clean up its act

Blank On The Map: Extortion in Prisoner?s Dilemma

[bloga.epidemiologica]: epidemiology + culture: stanza ii
[bloga.epidemiologica]: swift-footed muse

Blogging Students (Anthea Lacchia): Beware the perils of postgrad research

Blogus Scientificus: How to dispose of a dead body, legally
Blogus Scientificus: Cannibal lemur is all ew and no aw
Blogus Scientificus: Sandpipers succeed by choosing sex over sleep
Blogus scientificus: Water, water, everywhere, but which to drink?
Blogus scientificus: Florida v. GM mosquitoes

Body Horrors: Buzz Kill: Blood-Borne Disease Transmission at the Hajj
Body Horrors: Herpes Gladiatorum: Full Contact Infectious Diseases
Body Horrors: TB or Not TB: The Weirdness that is Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Body Horrors: Of Warts & Men: Meat-Handlers Infected with Human Papillomavirus 7
Body Horrors: Man?s Best Friend, the Turkana Tribe & a Gruesome Parasite
Body Horrors: Chronicle of a Death Foretold: Human Sentinels for Disease Outbreaks
Body Horrors: The Good Housekeeper: GBV-C Co-infection with HIV

Boing Boing (Maggie Koerth-Baker): The only good abortion is my abortion
Boing Boing (David Ng): The Six Degrees of Bacon

Bones Don?t Lie: Choice of Wood in Cremation Pyres

Boston blog: HIV Research: How the Berlin Patient led to the Boston patients

Boundary Vision: Don?t worry so much about being the right type of science role model
Boundary Vision: Who is the traditional right type of person for science?
Boundary Vision: Do scientific explanations have to ruin wonder? Stargazing and more with songwriter Jim Fitzpatrick

Brainstorm: Studying Bioethics at Scandal-Plagued Universities
Brainstorm: Working the Assembly Line at the Human Experimentation Factory

The Bug Chicks (Michael Barton): A taste for collecting beetles is some indication of future success in life!

Bug Girl?s Blog: How to get free media coverage for a bogus beehive design
Bug Girl?s Blog: Transcript of my ESA talk about Social Media

Byte Size Biology: The Search for Small finds Life on a Gradient
Byte Size Biology: So what?s new with humans?
Byte Size Biology: Using phylogenetics to reconstruct a 59 million year old drug
Byte Size Biology: Life is short
Byte Size Biology: The Origin of Gender Symbols in Biology
Byte Size Biology: Can we make accountable research software
Byte Size Biology: Circumcision, preventing fraud, and icky toilets. You know you?re going to read this.

Cassandra?s Tears: Research on Round-up Tolerant GM Maize

Cedar?s Digest: Purple Doesn?t Exist: Some thoughts on Male Privilege and Science Online

The Cellular Scale: The ?Human Neuron?, not so special after all?
The Cellular Scale: Plant Neurons? Sensation and action in the Venus Flytrap
The Cellular Scale: The Optimism Bias in Science
The Cellular Scale: Do small men think like big women?

CENtral Science IYC 2011: Chemistry Carnival: Your Favorite Chemical Reactions!

Chemjobber: How do institutions change? Not easily
Chemjobber: Ozymandias, senior med chemist (poem)
Chemjobber: Why choose a Ph.D. in chemistry? A response to @DocFreeride

Chimeras: Another genetic puzzle: why is mitochondrial DNA only inherited from the mother?s side?

CleanTechnica: Harvesting the Energy in Intermittent, Gusty Winds
CleanTechnica: Innovative, New Approach to Low-Head, Low-Flow Water Power

Climate Central: Extreme Weather Can?t ?Surprise? Insurance Companies

Cocktail Party Physics: The Science of Mysteries: Of Granular Material and Singing Sands
Cocktail Party Physics: Taster?s Choice: Why I Hate Raw Tomatoes and You Don?t
Cocktail Party Physics: The Science of Mysteries: Leave Us the Counterpoint
Cocktail Party Physics: Make Us Do the Math
Cocktail Party Physics: Knowing When To Fold ?Em: The Science of Poker

Code for life: Carrots for my neighbour
Code for Life: Do TED lectures need better vetting?
Code for life: What use now is handwriting?

Companion Animal Psychology Blog: Now where?s my treat?
Companion Animal Psychology Blog: Getting a puppy? Ask to see both parents

Confessions of a (former) lab rat: On being mainstream
Confessions of a (former) lab rat: On target
Confessions of a (former) lab rat: Gonna build a house
Confessions of a (former) lab rat: On ghostwriting

Contagions: Mapping Malaria in Anglo-Saxon England
Contagions: Did India and China Escape the Black Death?
Contagions: Metagenomics, Lyme Disease, and the Tyrolean Iceman?s Tattoos
Contagions: Tracking a Live Yersinia pestis Infection with Bioluminescence
Contagions: What makes a Super-Spreader?

The Contemplative Mammoth: How I cured my imposter syndrome
The Contemplative Mammoth: How can scientists actively engage with the media?

Context and Variation: Vaginal pH Redux: Broader Perspectives on Douching, Race? and Lime Juice
Context and Variation: What Do You Do When There is No Best Dataset? A follow-up on pregnancy and rape statistics
Context and Variation: When a Beginning is Not a Beginning
Context and Variation: Here is Some Legitimate Science on Pregnancy and Rape
Context and Variation: It?s Camping Season, Don?t Forget to Menstruate! Or, Man the Hunter and Woman the Menstruator
Context and Variation: Do Women in Groups Bleed Together? On Menstrual Synchrony
Context and Variation: Framing and definitions: are you maternal enough to be a woman?

Cosmic Variance (Sean Carroll): Everything is Connected
Cosmic Variance (Sean Carroll): Dark Energy FAQ

Cosmology Science Blog: Cosmic Microwave Angular Resolution Surprise
Cosmology Science Blog: Not Sure about Uncertainty ;-)
Cosmology Science: Did CERN Find a Higgs ? Well not quite. But they probably found a New Particle ! and extended their funding for years
Cosmology Science: Electron No Longer a Fundamental Particle
Cosmology Science: Oldest Spiral galaxy BX442 supports Hubble?s belief: Redshift does not mean expansion

Counterbalanced: Problems in the neurozone
Counterbalanced: Quality over quantity
Counterbalanced: Something in the air
Counterbalanced: The beautiful simplicity of visual illusions
Counterbalanced: Your step-by-step guide to the perfect sandwich
Counterbalanced: A brief history of eye movements, or why NLP sucks
Counterbalanced: Eye evolution made easy
Counterbalanced: Is it helpful to accuse parents of neglect when it comes to technology use?

Cracking the Enigma: Clouds
Cracking the Enigma: Autism and the art of campervan maintenance
Cracking the Enigma: The Adventures of DataThief

The Crux: Lesson Burned: Does Sunscreen Actually Reduce the Risk of Cancer?
The Crux: What Is the ?Bible of Psychiatry? Supposed to Do? The Peculiar Challenges of an Uncertain Science
The Crux: Venus?s Day in the Sun: How the Transit Will Help Us Search for Other Earths
The Crux: Is Autism an ?Epidemic? or Are We Just Noticing More People Who Have It?
The Crux: Votes and Vowels: A Changing Accent Shows How Language Parallels Politics
The Crux: Is the Purpose of Sleep to Let Our Brains ?Defragment,? Like a Hard Drive?
The Crux: Why Calorie Counts Are Wrong: Cooked Food Provides a Lot More Energy

Culturing Science: The Evolution of Grief, Both Biological and Cultural, in the 21st Century

Curiouser and Curiouser: James Randi: An Honest Liar
Curiouser and Curiouser: On Stanislaw Burzynski, the Streisand Effect, and Standing Up for Skeptical Bloggers
Curiouser and Curiouser: On Codes of Conduct, Part II
Curiouser and Curiouser: Mythbusting Makeup: Skepticism and Cosmetic Claims
Curiouser and Curiouser: A Change For The Better: The Geek Manifesto ? An Interview With Mark Henderson
Curiouser and Curiouser: Robin Ince ? Comedy, Skepticism, And Happiness Through Science
Curiouser and Curiouser: If You Know Shuzi Like the Merseyside Skeptics Know Shuzi: Testing the Shuzi Sports Band Video

The Curious Chameleon: The Man of the Forest

The Curious Neuron: Visiting ?Brains. The Mind as Matter? at the Wellcome Collection
The Curious Neuron: On the Pursuit of Curing Blindness

The Curious Wavefunction: The unstoppable Moore hits the immovable Eroom

The Daily Pennsylvanian: Some hesitant about newly FDA-approved drug Amyvid, Penn researchers criticize Alzheimher?s drug, Drug raises questions for Alzheimer?s and Alzheimers drug Amyvid raises ethical questions fused into a single essay.

Deep Politics: SmartMeters Facilitate Cyber War Against US

Deep Sea News (Miriam Goldstein): Three Ways of Looking at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Deep Sea News (Craig McClain): How presidential elections are impacted by a 100 million year old coastline
Deep Sea News (Miriam Goldstein): A wicked bad idear: National Geographic hunts bluefin tuna for entertainment and Eating Wicked Tuna: A marine scientist tries to figure out what the heck is going on fused into a single post.
Deep Sea News (Alistair Dove): On common names
Deep Sea News (Kevin Zelnio): #IamScience: Embracing Personal Experience on Our Rise Through Science
Deep Sea News (Alistair Dove): No fish is an island
Deep Sea News (Craig McClain): What knowledge of the deep sea tell us about life on other planets
Deep Sea News (Alistair Dove): A (fetid) river runs through it, the Brooklyn edition
Deep Sea News (Alexis Rudd): True Confessions of a Dolphin-Loving Marine Biologist
Deep Sea News (Craig McClain): Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
Deep Sea News (Craig McClain and Alistair Dove): James Cameron?s Deep Sea Challenge: a scientific milestone or rich guy?s junket?

Deep Thoughts and Silliness: The Problems of Interpreting Data

The definitive host: The Deepest Blue

Deleted Scenes, Science News: Remembering Sally Ride
Deleted Scenes, Science News: The Newtonian physics (or not) of Angry Birds Space

The Demarcationproblem: What chronic stress does to your immune system (cartoon)

Denim and Tweed: Baby steps versus long jumps: The ?size? of evolutionary change, and why it matters
Denim and Tweed: Is corn the new milk? Evolutionarily speaking, that is.
Denim and Tweed: Evolutionary psychology: A dialogue

Digital Age for Novices: Digital Culture, TV Culture, and a Trip to the Hospital

Digital Cuttlefish: Feathered Dinosaurs Are Cool (poem)
Digital Cuttlefish: North Carolina vs. Nature (poem)
Digital Cuttlefish: Darwin Of The Gaps (poem)
Digital Cuttlefish: A Scientific Valentine (poem)
Digital Cuttlefish: Like A Rat In A Cage (poem)
Digital Cuttlefish: Car Lands On Fucking Mars?See Page 3 (poem)
Digital Cuttlefish: Sonnet 116.1 (poem)
Digital Cuttlefish: Long Overdue Repairs (poem)

Dilworth Design: If it Moves ? We Can Improve It: How Japan Can Stop Dumping Radioactive Water in Our Ocean
Dilworth Design: If it Moves ? We Can Improve It: Can you Shoot an Arrow Backwards ? into Space?

Discoblog: Naked Mole Rat Super Power #12: They Feel No Burn

DiverseScholar: #SCIO12 Policy Report: Academia is Productive but Messy ? Effects on (Mis)Communication

DNA Science: Human Embryonic Stem Cells Finally Reach Clinical Trials: Maurie?s Story

Doc Madhattan: In search of the ETs with the distributed computing

Dog Spies: Oh, hello! Why yes, that?s my crotch! (Part 1)
Dog Spies: Why is a stranger?s crotch more interesting than mine? (Part 2)

Doing Good Science: Crime, punishment, and the way forward: in the wake of Sheri Sangji?s death, what should happen to Patrick Harran?
Doing Good Science: Whither mentoring?
Doing Good Science: Gender bias: ethical implications of an empirical finding.

Double X (Melinda Wenner Moyer): When Is It OK To Spank?

Double X Science (Jeanne Garbarino): Pregnancy 101: The science behind the wand of destiny
Double X Science (Jeanne Garbarino): Pregnancy 101: Fertilization is another way to come together during sex
Double X Science (Jeanne Garbarino): Pregnancy 101: On the cervical mucus plug and why I?ve never been more happy to hold something so disgusting in my hand
Double X Science (Jeanne Garbarino): Pregnancy 101: Peas made me puke, but not just in the morning
Double X Science (Jeanne Garbarino): Pregnancy 101: My placenta looked like meatloaf, but I wasn?t about to eat it.
Double X Science (Jeanne Garbarino): Shmeat and Potatoes: The dinner of the future?
Double X Science (Emily Willingham): Real science vs. fake science: How can you tell them apart?
Double X Science (Emily Willingham): No gene is an island: What do scientists mean when they talk about environment and genes?
Double X Science (Emily Willingham): DoubleXplainer: What is a vagina?
Double X Science (Emily Willingham): Hormonal birth control explainer: a matter of health
Double X Science (Emily Willingham): Motherhood, war, and attachment: what does it all mean?

Download the Universe: SMILE: The Astonishing Destructive Power of Positive Thinking

Earthlab: September 11, Fall Migration and Occupy Wall Street

Earth Trekker: Blue holes are hotspots of microbial biodiversity
Earth Trekker: If a volcano blows, would we hear it?
Earth Trekker: White-nose syndrome likely caused by invasive fungal species

Edible Geography: The Atlas of Aspirational Origins

Elemental: Is Arsenic the Worst Chemical in the World?
Elemental: The Arsenic Diet
Elemental: The Curious Case of the Poisoned Cows
Elemental: Nicotine and the Chemistry of Murder
Elemental: Tiny Fireworks

Emily Willingham: How can we solve the wild problem of science communication?
Emily Willingham: Writing about autism science? 10 things
Emily Willingham: Autism, immunity, inflammation, and the New York Times
Emily Willingham: Is a PhD required for good science writing?

Empirical Zeal: The crayola-fication of the world: How we gave colors names, and it messed with our brains (part I)
Empirical Zeal: The crayola-fication of the world: How we gave colors names, and it messed with our brains (part II)

Endless Forms: Menopausal Whales, Mama?s Boys, and the Conundrum of Reproductive Senescence
Endless Forms: Is ?Horse Sense? Overrated? Nonsense Mutation Allows Novel Gaits
Endless Forms: Hyenas Eschew Lent, Chew Donkeys Instead
Endless Forms: Snakes Tune into Prey?s Heartbeat
Endless Forms: Sabertooth Predators Packed a Punch
Endless Forms: ?Extinct? Gal?pagos Tortoises Reappear in Modern Hybrids

Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The Wool of Snowfall
Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Exploring the Mind of the Mountain Gorilla
Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Scientists: Get Out There and Inspire!

Energy of the future: LNG is the first step towards carbon neutral shipping

Eruptions: Looking Back at the 1982 eruption of El Chich?n in Mexico
Eruptions: The Mysterious Missing Eruption of 1258 A.D.
Eruptions: How Dangerous is Visiting New Zealand?s White Island?
Eruptions: A Media Guide to Volcanoes

ESC Blog: Cool Insect Viruses

EvoEcoLab: The Message Reigns Over the Medium
EvoEcoLab: Trying to Catch His Breath With a Hole-Ridden Safety Net

Extinction Countdown: Recently Discovered Lizard Species Down to 3 Remaining Females
Extinction Countdown: New Polar Bear Counting Method Creates Confusion
Extinction Countdown: The Last 400 Asiatic Lions Need More Room to Grow?but Where Will They Go?
Extinction Countdown: Apps for Apes: Engaging Orangutans with iPads
Extinction Countdown: Poachers Drive Javan Rhino to Extinction in Vietnam

F**k Yeah Molecular Biology: Evolution By Natural Selection: Building My Own Genetic Algorithm

The Febrile Muse: Inflammatory Language No 1. The ongoing cycle

Fetishes I Don?t Get: The Dex Diaries, Part 2: Why We Called the Feds

The Finch & Pea: Killing time is murder: Whitehorse and the arrow of time
The Finch & Pea: The Art of Science: The Lure of Lead
The Finch & Pea: ENCODE Media FAIL (or, Where?s the Null Hypothesis?)
The Finch & Pea: Creme Brulee: The Science of Sexy
The Finch & Pea: An ode to junk

The Flying Trilobite: Beetle Week Day 1: The Challenge of Scientific Illustration
The Flying Trilobite: Beetle Week Day 3: Being a Freelancing Dad
The Flying Trilobite: An Inordinate Fondness (art)
The Flying Trilobite: Explosions of activity (image of the Trachys beetle)
The Flying Trilobite: Allosaurus Science Ink

FQXi Blogs: Losing Neil Armstrong

From The Lab Bench: Google Search Engine Software goes ?Chemistry?
From The Lab Bench: Old News for Carbon Dioxide, New Threats for Climate Change
From The Lab Bench: A Planet Under Pressure, and Why Gender Matters
From The Lab Bench: Putting the ?Fear? in Climate Change
From The Lab Bench: The Nature of Learning, or the Learning of Nature?
From The Lab Bench: Climate Change Communicators Should Listen to the Public
From The Lab Bench: Melancholia and the ?Dance of Death?
From The Lab Bench: Bubbles for Life
From The Lab Bench: Manufactured Landscapes
From The Lab Bench: A Trip Into the Swamps

Gaines, on Brains: Seeing into the future? The neuroscience of d?j? vu
Gaines, on Brains: Using psychology to silence your enemies: the speech-jammer gun
Gaines, on Brains: My Neuron (poem)
Gaines, on Brains: Turning trauma into story: the benefits of journaling

Galileo?s Pendulum: If You Love a Flower Found on a Star
Galileo?s Pendulum: Me, Ludwig Boltzmann, Ludwig Boltzmann and I
Galileo?s Pendulum: Why Quaternions Matter

Gene Expression: White supremacy and white privilege; same coin

Genetic Linkage: If ?Fifty Shades of Grey? Had Been Written by a Biology Textbook Author

Genevieve Jones: Amateur Scientist: Why I am Qualified to be an Amateur Scientist: A Graph
Genevieve Jones: Amateur Scientist: How to protect yourself
Genevieve Jones: Amateur Scientist: How many miles wide

GeoSphere: The Art of Geology

The ?Germ Guy? Blog: Confessions of a Mercurial Microbiologist: From Germ Guy to Monsieur Microbes?

Girl Meets Whiskey: Why I Still Really Like Jonah Lehrer
Girl Meets Whiskey: DNA: Database of the New Age

Gizmodo (Matt Might): Hunting Down My Son?s Killer

The Gleaming Retort: Coffee, Bugs, and Death

Grad Life: Post-doc testimonials on getting a tenure-track job

Great Belt Research Cruise: Day 15: Cruel Summer

Green Tea and Velociraptors: What is a Fossil Species..?
Green tea and Velociraptors: Dinosaurs: Then and Now

Happy Science: Eating More Chocolate Makes You Skinny
Happy Science: Negative Calorie Food: Science Myths and Legends
Happy science: What Does a Biologist Do All Day?

The Happy Scientist: Teach It Right the First Time.

The Haystack: How Jagabandhu Das made dasatinib possible
The Haystack: On Birth Control,?Plan B,? and?Batman
The Haystack: Biogen Idec Reveals Clinical Data for (Really) Small Oral MS Drug BG-12
The Haystack: Tetrodotoxin: Why Toxic Is Complicated
The Haystack: Tetrodotoxin: Why Toxic Is Complicated
The Haystack: Antibacterial Resistance ? Learning Bacterial Tricks

Healthland Viewpoint ? Time: Naomi Wolf?s Vagina Aside, What Neuroscience Really Says About Female Desire

Health in the Global Village: Celltex Makes Bold Marketing Claims Despite Significant Manufacturing Problems Found During FDA Inspection

Highly Allochthonous: Hotspot volcanism on Hawaii: textbook vs reality
Highly Allochthonous: In slow-moving hurricanes, the danger comes from all the water

Huffington Post Education (Nicholas Warner): In Defense of Algebra

Huffington Post Mental Health (Victoria Costello): Guilt: My Last, Worst Addiction

Huffington Post Science (Athena Andreadis): Basic Research: The Fountain About to Run Dry
Huffington Post Science (Seth Mnookin): The Autism Vaccine Controversy and the Need for Responsible Science Journalism

ICBS Everywhere: Science and Spin Are Very Bad Bedfellows
ICBS Everywhere: Are Atheists More Compassionate or Prosocial Than Highly Religious People?

I?m a chordata, Urochordata!: A Vision for the Future of Scholarly Publishing
I?m a chordata, Urochordata!: Diversity Loss v. Environmental Change: The Story of the Paper

Image of the Week: Incredible Hulk Anatomy

Infactorium: Engineering the Emergency Room, Part I.
Infactorium: Engineering the Emergency Room, Part II.
Infactorium: Engineering the Emergency Room, Part III.
Infactorium: Engineering the Emergency Room, Part IV
Infactorium: How Do You Know When You?re Done?
Infactorium: What Happened.
Infactorium: Math! Poetry! Nonsense! (poem)

Inkfish: I?m a Synesthete. Is Something Wrong with Me?
Inkfish: Life Advice: Think More about Death
Inkfish: How the Need to Pee Helps (and Hurts) Decision Making
Inkfish: Why You Can?t Kill a Mosquito with a Raindrop

Inspiring Science: Five common biology myths (or ?Science in the service of the anthropocentric patriarchy?)
Inspiring Science: How does an ant colony coordinate its behaviour?
Inspiring Science: Natural selection: selfish genes & emergent properties
Inspiring Science: Book review: Constructing A Language
Inspiring Science: We still don?t know how birds navigate
Inspiring Science: Gene expression: shape matters

In the Company of Plants and Rocks: Taxonomy of Agaves and Vino-mezcal

io9 (Maria Konnikova): What Happens When Alice and Anti-Alice Meet? (A Celebration of Lewis Carroll?s 180th Birthday)
io9 (Annalee Newitz): You are bitching about the wrong things when you read an article about science
io9 (Robert T. Gonzalez): Science demands that you stop calling this kid the ?Marmot Whisperer?
io9 (Annalee Newitz): Could Humans Evolve into a Giant Hive Mind?
io9 (Annalee Newitz): How to Write About Hermaphrodite Sex
io9 (Robert T. Gonzalez): Why do we hate seeing photos of ourselves?
io9 (Robert T. Gonzalez): Why can?t you tickle yourself?

Iqsoft science blog: Dilemma

Itsy bitsy beetle: The Lone Lizard Beetle Fungus Farmer

I wish you?d made me angry earlier: Top N Reasons To Do A Ph.D. or Post-Doc in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
I wish you?d made me angry earlier: Goodbye F1000, Hello Faculty of a Million
I wish you?d made me angry earlier: On The Neutral Sequence Fallacy
I wish you?d made me angry earlier: The Logistics of Scientific Growth in the 21st Century

JAYFK: Killers that sux
JAYFK: 5 things you should know before dating a scientist

JREF Swift Blog: There Is Nothing Wrong With ?I Don?t Know?
JREF Swift Blog: Are Smart People Really Stupid?
JREF Swift Blog: Risk, Emotion, and Global Warming
JREF Swift Blog: How Should We Argue For Vaccination?

John Hawks Weblog: The anthropologist and the kurgans

Just Like Cooking: Petition Expedition ? Cancer in Laundry Detergent?
Just Like Cooking: This Just In ? File Under ?Huge Marine Polyethers?
Just Like Cooking: Did Someone Say Pink Slime?
Just Like Cooking: hERG: Legs, Drugs, and Heartbeats
Just Like Cooking: Super Tasters and Smells in Space
Just Like Cooking: The Chemistry Popularity Conundrum
Just Like Cooking: Sunscreen Chemophobia: Oxybenzone
Just Like Cooking: Chemistry Words, with Friends
Just Like Cooking: Friday Fun ? Lab Arts-n-Crafts
Just Like Cooking: Arsenic Life Wrap-Up: The Good, the ?Not-So-Good?
Just Like Cooking: Calimari Calligraphy: Same Ink, 160 Million Years Later
Just Like Cooking: R.I.P. Jerome Horwitz, Medicinal Chemist
Just Like Cooking: Chemistry Bumper Cars

Katatrepsis: Why are there imperfect mimics?

KatiePhD: What exactly is a genetically modified plant?
KatiePhD: The Trouble with Teeth?
KatiePhD: Pain-free but itchy: Morphine?s alter ego

Kinetics: Self-Tracking Meets Ready-To-Wear: Make Room in Your Closet for Smart Clothes

LabHomepage: Getting in on the ?what they think? meme

Lab Rat: Pathogens that feed off human blood

Laelaps: The Demise of the Komodo Kings
Laelaps: The Long-Lived Legacy of the Cambrian?s ?Wonderful Life?
Laelaps: Of Dragons and Diminutive Elephants
Laelaps: A Dirty, Deadly Bite
Laelaps: Unless They?re Zombies, Fossils Don?t Live
Laelaps: Repost: How Tylosaurus Lost Its Fringe, and Other Squamate Stories
Laelaps: Why Popcorn Smells Like a Bearcat?s Butt
Laelaps: I?m an Ape, and I?m Also a Fish

Last Word on Nothing (Sally Adee): Better Living Through Electrochemistry
Last Word on Nothing (Christie Aschwanden): What beer and running taught me about science (part 1 of 2) and/or Life without beer: part 2 of my beer & running science experiment
Last Word On Nothing (Christie Aschwanden): The mundaneness of science
Last Word On Nothing (Virginia Hughes): Gal?pagos Monday: When Conservation Means Killing
Last Word on Nothing (Cameron Walker): Auditing Astronomy Class
Last Word on Nothing (Cassandra Willyard): Embracing My Hubble Moments
Last Word on Nothing (Thomas Hayden): Ixnay on the iPod: In Praise of Crap Technology
Last Word on Nothing (Ann Finkbeiner): LWON & Closed-System Sibling Knowledge
Last Word on Nothing (Heather Pringle): Caviar for the Dead
Last Word on Nothing (Virginia Hughes): Women?s Work
Last Word on Nothing (Thomas Hayden): The Mystery of the (Not) Missing Fathers
Last Word on Nothing (Christie Aschwanden): Summer of Smoke
Last Word on Nothing (Heather Pringle): The Sweetness of Human Evolution
Last Word On Nothing (Virginia Hughes): Family Ties
Last Word On Nothing (Christie Aschwanden): The real scandal: science denialism at Susan G. Komen for the Cure?
Last Word On Nothing (Virginia Hughes): Women?s Work
Last Word On Nothing (Cassandra Willyard): TGIPF: The Weird World of Banana Slug Sex
Last Word On Nothing (Richard Panek): No Exceptions! None! Nowhere! Never! (Or not.)
Last Word On Nothing (Virginia Hughes): What Americans Don?t Get About the Brain?s Critical Period

Life is Short, but Snakes are Long: The snakes that eat caviar

Life?s Little Mysteries: The ?Infinity Room?: One of Many Ways to Imagine Infinity

Life Traces of the Georgia Coast: Georgia Life Traces as Art and Science

Listen to Us!: Moby the Manta Ray

Literally Psyched: Our Storytelling Minds: Do We Ever Really Know What?s Going on Inside?
Literally Psyched: Intelligence and Other Stereotypes: The Power of Mindset
Literally Psyched: Hunters of Myths: Why Our Brains Love Origins
Literally Psyched: The Power of ?Once upon a Time?: A Story to Tame The Wild Things
Literally Psyched: The birth of experimental psychology: How do we measure beginnings?
Literally Psyched: Why Are We So Afraid of Creativity?

Lithics: Fault Dynamics 101

Living Alongside Wildlife: Try Not to Step on Any Pythons

The Loom: The Birth of the New, The Rewiring of the Old
The Loom: Neanderthal Neuroscience

Machines Like Us: Only Child

Magma Cum Laude: This is what a geologist looks like
Magma Cum Laude: Survival geology for the space traveler

Making Science Public: GM food, war metaphors and the perils of political entrenchment
Making Science Public: Making science policy public: Exploring the pitfalls of public protest
Making Science Public: Carbon and energy/publics and politics
Making Science Public: Making neuroscience public: Neurohype, neuroscepticism and neuroblogging
Making Science Public: Making science (in) public: What we can learn from museums
Making Science Public: Hype, honesty and trust
Making Science Public: Languages of uncertainty
Making Science Public: Waiting for gate-gate
Making Science Public: Not God but Goldilocks? Musings about particle communication
Making Science Public: On seeing, science, and society
Making Science Public: ?See through science?

Mammals Suck? Milk!: Boy Milk vs. Girl Milk
Mammals Suck? Milk!: Allo-Mother?s Milk

Marvell-ous: LIFE=A Closed Loop System!
Marvell-ous: Love at first sight or Resonance

Matt Soniak.com: Slithering through history: Snakes have been primates? predators, prey and competition
Matt Soniak.com: No Surrender: Monkeys Fight Back Against Predators, But at What Cost?

Mental Floss: On Sticking Your Arm Into an Underwater Cavern and Hoping a Catfish Bites You
Mental Floss: Why Does Getting Hit in the Testicles Hurt So Much?

Metageologist:`The Geology of Mount Everest
Metageologist: Oceanic crust ? that sinking feeling
Metageologist: Oceanic crust ? down to the core

Michelledevilliersartandstories: Feathered Friday

Micro To Tele: Can a sexually transmitted infection literally break your heart?
Micro To Tele: HistoQuarterly: PANCREAS
Micro To Tele: HistoQuarterly: LIVER
Micro To Tele: HistoQuarterly: LYMPH NODE
Micro To Tele: HistoQuarterly: VAS DEFERENS

Mind the Brain: Preventing Veteran Suicide

Mind the Gap: In which necessity?s a MoFo
Mind the Gap: In which we?d like to acknowledge what?s-his-name

Mississippi Fruit and Nut Blog: On Why Consumers Must Think for Themselves

Molecular matters: Homeopathy & the Galileo Defence
Molecular matters: Whiny Homeopaths

Moments of Genius: Killing Creativity: Why Kids Draw Pictures of Monsters & Adults Don?t

Momma Data: Moms Not Meeting Their Own Breast-Feeding Goals: I?m Not Upset
Momma Data: Placenta Stew with a Side of Pseudo-Science
Momma Data: Playdate with Puberty:The Evidence Behind Early Puberty

Musings without a Muse: Friday Fun with A Moose
Musings without a Muse: Heavenly Chicks

My Growing Passion: When Plants Parasitise Fungi: myco-heterotrophy

NASA?s Martian Diaries Blog: Anatomy of a Decision

Neuroanthropology: Roid Age: steroids in sport and the paradox of pharmacological puritanism

Neurobonkers: The Science of Bad Neuroscience
Neurobonkers: The Anti-Vaxxer Cheerleaders Posing A Serious Threat To The Herd
Neurobonkers: New paper slams UK media for routinely misrepresenting neuroscience research to further ideological agendas
Neurobonkers: About time for a paradigm shift?
Neurobonkers: Pepper spray and cocaine, a little known lethal combination
Neurobonkers: BioNot: The Internet?s Answer to the Principle of Falsifiability
Neurobonkers: A Scientist?s Worst Nightmare

The Neurocritic: EMPowered to Kill
The Neurocritic: Post-Antipsychiatry

NeuroDojo: Why I published a paper on my blog instead of a journal
NeuroDojo: The biology of Prometheus
NeuroDojo: 823 days: A tale of parasite publication
NeuroDojo: A gift
NeuroDojo: Overselling the connectome
NeuroDojo: Abandoment issues

Neuron Culture: ?It?s Just a F**king Little 16th Note. But You Have to Play It.?
Neuron Culture: Enough With the ?Slut Gene? Already: Behaviors Ain?t Traits
Neuron Culture: Naomi Wolf?s ?Vagina? and the Perils of Neuro Self-Help, or How Dupe-amine Drove Me Into a Dark Dungeon
Neuron Culture: The Hole in My Brain: Amnesia?s Lessons About Memory, Depression, and Love

Neurophilosophy: Sleights of hand, sleights of mind

Neuroskeptic: Do Antidepressants Make Some People Worse?

Neurotic Physiology: Do you love Science? Well, that depends, do you like sleep?
Neurotic Physiology: Friday Weird Science: Does your menstrual blood attract BEARS?!
Neurotic Physiology: Friday Weird Science: Laptops and WIFI are coming for your SPERM. Again.
Neurotic Physiology: Overeating and Obesity: Should we really call it food addiction?
Neurotic Physiology: Friday Weird Science: The Social Psychology of Flatulence
Neurotic Physiology: Friday Weird Science: The Social Psychology of Flatulence
Neurotic Physiology: Friday Weird Science: The Urinal Problem
Neurotic Physiology: Friday Weird Science: Why do we collect dinosaur eggs? To woo the ladies of course!
Neurotic Physiology: Friday Weird Science: The physics of the strapless evening gown

Next Scientist: How Writing A Science Blog Saved My PhD

Notes from Two Scientific Psychologists: How Universal Is The Mind?
Notes from Two Scientific Psychologists: The Affordances of Everyday Things

Notes of Ranvier: The Unsung Scientist, Louis-Antoine Ranvier

Not Exactly Rocket Science: A world within a tumour ? new study shows just how complex cancer can be
Not Exactly Rocket Science: Everything you never wanted to know about the mites that eat, crawl, and have sex on your face
Not Exactly Rocket Science: A duplicated gene shaped human brain evolution? and why the genome project missed it

Nottingham Science Blog: Interview : Eben Upton at Raspberry Pi
Nottingham Science Blog: The Birdies and Peanuts Experiment
Nottingham Science Blog: Public Lecture ? Chris Lintott ? Astronomer
Nottingham Science Blog: Interview : Prof Alfonso Arag?n-Salamanca
Nottingham Science Blog: Royal Society Summer Exhibition 2012
Nottingham Science Blog: Curiosity, Twitter and the British Connection

Obesity Panacea: Cigarettes may be useful for distance runners?!? (or, How to prove anything with a review article)
Obesity Panacea: Sitting for just a couple hours has measurable (and negative) health impact
Obesity Panacea: Shout it From the Rooftops: Juice is Not Natural
Obesity Panacea: Everything you ever wanted to know about breast fat but were afraid to ask

Observations (Ferris Jabr): Animals Exposed to Virtual Reality Hold an Emergency Meeting
Observations (Evelyn Lamb): Fractal Kitties Illustrate the Endless Possibilities for Julia Sets

Occam?s Corner: What does the Higgs boson look like?
Occam?s Corner: Academic boycotts, science and hypocrisy
Occam?s Corner: Found in translation: where do cures come from?

Oh, For the Love of Science!: Nothing Says Baby-Makin? Like Desiccated Bacon

OnEarth: Turtles All the Way Up
OnEarth: In Fear of Firebugs
OnEarth: Bombing the Blaze: Fire Stopper or Air Show?
OnEarth: That LOLCat You Just ?Liked? on Facebook? It?s Probably Scared to Death
OnEarth: Frozen Planet, Part 1: Love Hurts
OnEarth: Is Spring Springing Early? Watching the World Go Round with Henry Thoreau
OnEarth: Death on the Firelines
OnEarth: Age Before Beauty
OnEarth: How the West Was Lost
OnEarth: A Survivor?s Story: Did Modern Life Give Me Breast Cancer?
OnEarth: Climate Change Fuels the Perfect Firestorm
OnEarth: That Sinking Feeling: North Carolina Buries Its Head in the (Disappearing) Sand
OnEarth: Save the Whales ? By Hunting Them?
OnEarth: Moon Bears in Distress, All for the Love of Bile
OnEarth: Climate Change Health Costs Add Up to One Big Bill
OnEarth: From Crocs to Cowboys, Saving Florida?s Wild Life
OnEarth: n a Major Policy Reversal, the Forest Service Is Fighting Every Fire This Year ? But at What Cost?

OnFiction: Transparency
OnFiction: Movies Mimic Real-Life Attention

Open Chemical Information and Research: Kinase compounds polypharmacology can it be studied using Mol Wt & Lipophilicity

Opinionator: Friends You Can Count On
Opinionator: Singular Sensations

O?Reilly Radar: In defense of frivolities and open-ended experiments

The Organometallic Reader: Ligand Field Theory & Frontier Molecular Orbital Theory

Oscillatory Thoughts: Automated Science, Deep Data, and the Paradox of Information
Oscillatory Thoughts: Why you can?t individually control your toes
Oscillatory Thoughts: Are toes pretty or ugly?

The Panic Virus: The state of science writing, circa 2012: The summer of our discontent, made glorious by the possibilities of our time
The Panic Virus: Guardian ends run of smart science journalism discussions with scientists? self-congratulatory essay about peer review*
The Panic Virus: SciWriteLabs #6: BMJ editor Fiona Godlee on the Wakefield-MMR fiasco, the problems with peer review, and research oversight boards
The Panic Virus: Bob Sears: Bald-faced liar, devious dissembler, or both?
The Panic Virus: Taking stupid to a whole new level: TLC?s entry for the ?Worst piece written about vaccines?
The Panic Virus: Apparently, Rob Schneider thinks ALL CAPS is a substitute for having a clue: A lower-cased, fact-based rebuttal
The Panic Virus: Jonah Lehrer?s missing compass

Patient POV: Are Dense-Breast, Right-to-Know Laws Helpful?
Patient POV: MR Imaging, Electronic Test Ordering Creates Waste

Photographing Science as Art: Solar eclipse. May 2012.
Photographing Science as Art: Up close and personal with the duplicate Mars Rover
Photographing Science as Art: The not-so-secret lives of roaming pigs
Photographing Science as Art: Transit of Venus. Mt. Wilson Observatory

PhysicsBuzz: First the Higgs, Next Supersymmetry?
PhysicsBuzz: Does 5-sigma = discovery?
PhysicsBuzz: Can Math Explain Ideological Conflict?

The Plantwise Blog: Creating super banana plants in the fight against nematode worms
The Plantwise Blog: From discovery to eradication: the coconut rhinoceros beetle on Guam
The Plantwise Blog: Quorum-sensing disruption, a new tool for disease management?
The Plantwise Blog: India?s Food Security Challenges
The Plantwise Blog: Stopping Striga before it?s started

Plugged In (Scott Huler): NC Considers Making Sea Level Rise Illegal
Plugged In (Scott Huler): Protest Infrastructure: How Much Trouble Are Protesters, Really?

Popperfont: On Radiohead, genetics, and bringing up children.

Popular Science (Laura Geggel): Watching Curiosity?s Mars Landing Live on a 53-Foot Screen in Times Square

Powered by Osteons: From Birth to Burial: the Curious Case of Easter Eggs
Powered by Osteons: Childbirth and C-Sections in Bioarchaeology
Powered by Osteons: Line on the left, one cross each: Bioarchaeology of Crucifixion
Powered by Osteons: A Brief History of Bioarchaeology ? Part I: America
Powered by Osteons: Lead Poisoning in Rome ? The Skeletal Evidence

The Primate Diaries: The Good Fight
The Primate Diaries: The Joker?s Wild: On the Ecology of Gun Violence in America
The Primate Diaries: The Case of the Missing Polygamists

Projectsatlarge: Transit of Venus. Mt. Wilson Observatory. La Canada. June 2012.
Projectsatlarge: Solar eclipse. May 2012.
Projectsatlarge: A JPL adventure. Behind the scenes.September 2012.

Promega Connections: Under the Weather? Twitter Knew Over a Week Ago
Promega Connections: Purpose of the Potent Pepper
Promega Connections: Why Stress is Bad for Your Cells
Promega Connections: Turqi Tells a Tale: Pharmaceutical Contamination in Water is a Depressing Situation
Promega Connections: Forgot Something? Maybe Your Diet, not Your Age, is to Blame

Providentia: That X-ray Vision
Providentia: Why Are People So Skeptical About Psychology?
Providentia: George Armitage Miller and the Magic Number
Providentia: The Problem with Oliver Heaviside
Providentia: Down on the Heebie-Jeebie Farm
Providentia: Abraham Lincoln and The Embalmer
Providentia: The Man Who Made Insects

Psycho Babble: American Culture Makes Us Egocentric?Maybe
Psycho Babble: Nounsy Nouns and Verbsy Verbs and Little Wugs Eat Ivy
Psycho Babble: On Drunk Speech

Psych Your Mind: How the Rich are Different from the Poor I: Choice

PsySociety: Why Jersey Shore Won?t Make You Dumber: The Importance Of Responsible Science Journalism
PsySociety: If I Were A Well-Off White Man? I Might Not Understand Other People Very Well.
PsySociety: Algebra Is Necessary, But What About How It?s Taught?
PsySociety: Zombies and Volleyball: The Benefits of the Bystander Effect
PsySociety: Are your 9/11 memories really your own?
PsySociety: Sure, women cannot get pregnant from rape. Also, all mean people are ugly and puppies are immortal.
PsySociety: Why do swimmers hate Lane 8?
PsySociety: The psychology of doping accusations: Which athletes raise the most suspicion?
PsySociety: The benefits of seeing a ?challenge? where others see a ?threat.?
PsySociety: Olympic greatness: Biology or motivation?
PsySociety: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, How Does Psych Reflect Us All?

Puff the Mutant Dragon: Do vaccines contain toxic chemicals?
Puff the Mutant Dragon: Confessions of a Creationist: the making of a serial killer
Puff the Mutant Dragon: Does beer make you blush? or, why ?race? is a myth
Puff the Mutant Dragon: Death of a scientist
Puff the Mutant Dragon: Science on crack, 2: Walter White & cooking crystal meth

Qualia: Some thoughts on community outreach

Quantum Diaries: Error Control in Science

QUEST Community Science Blog: Fantastic Voyage: The Salmon?s Uphill Struggle for Survival
QUEST Community Science Blog: Doubt and Denialism: Vaccine Myths Persist in the Face of Science
QUEST Community Science Blog: In Defense of Science: An Interview with NCSE?s Eugenie Scott

Questioning Answers: When poo tells a story (and I?m not talking about Winnie)

Reciprocal Space: What?s your favourite colour?
Reciprocal Space: Sick of Impact Factors

Reconciliation Ecology: Societal Germophobia: the trouble with a culture suffering from OCD
Reconciliation Ecology: Chimpanzee: a nature film where story matters. For our cousins. For ourselves.
Reconciliation Ecology: Of wanton plants and prudish immune systems: late-night thoughts for National Pollinator Week
Reconciliation Ecology: Denialism, skepticism, and the neglected moral crisis of anthropogenic climate change

RedOrbit blogs: Do Plants Feel Pain?

Reportergene: Where are your cells from?
Reportergene: Packaging madness

Reporting on Health: What If Mental Illness is a Universal Experience? A Path Away from Stigma to Timely Treatment and Prevention

Research Through the Eyes of a Biochemist: Young scientists: Responsible researchers or political strategists?

RicochetScience: Engineering a Better Mosquito

Rosetta Stones: The Real Heart of the Ocean
Rosetta Stones: Where Volcanoes Snow

Rule of 6ix: The ethics of vaccination

Running Ponies: Get on your bike, Phallostethus cuulong
Running Ponies: If only you could see yourself, Atretochoana eiselti
Running Ponies: Pyura chilensis: the closest thing to getting blood from a stone

Safari Ecology: Why is the African Savanna so full of thorns?
Safari Ecology: Exercise like a lion!

Salamander Hours: Self-Diagnosis Affected by Online Symptom List Structure

Sara Bellum Blog: Chasing the Runner?s High
Sara Bellum Blog: Addicted to French Fries: Is Food a Drug?
Sara Bellum Blog: Smoking: How It Primes the Brain for Addiction
Sara Bellum Blog: Why Does Peer Pressure Influence Teens To Try Drugs?

Sarah Keenihan: IVF: who is it for?

The Savvy Scientist: Building brains: toward a do-it-yourself guide
The Savvy Scientist: Climate disasters: quibbling over causes
The Savvy Scientist: Mind games on global warming
The Savvy Scientist: The rights of dolphins, chimps, and other nonhuman persons
The Savvy Scientist: What comes after antibiotics?

The Scicurious Brain: Cocaine and the sexual habits of quail, or, why does NIH fund what it does?
The Scicurious Brain: It hurts so good: the runner?s high
The Scicurious Brain: You want that? Well I want it, too! The neuroscience of mimetic desire
The Scicurious Brain: Exercise doesn?t help depression? Let?s take a real look at that study.
The Scicurious Brain: STOP THE PRESSES! We cured heroin addiction.

Science After Sunclipse: ?Is Algebra Necessary?? Are You High?
Science After Sunclipse: Precalculus -> Statistics

Science, Art and Storytelling (Anthea Lacchia): The Magic of? Pavements!
Science, Art and Storytelling (Anthea Lacchia): The Magic of? Gates!

Science Beach: Let the musical (r)evolution begin

Science by Summer: Yum! This salad dressing is creamy and delicious. Or is it just me?
Science by Summer: What do spotted hyenas, Asian small clawed otters, and dolphins have in common?
Science by Summer: For Tasmanian devils it pays to be nice (AKA reasons not to bite your friend?s face tumor)

Science Calling: Seeing through sound
Science Calling: The next chapter of apoptosis research
Science Calling: Living to the extreme
Science Calling: What is native?

The Science Essayist: Lessons from Plants in Pain, or What We Talk About When We Talk to Ourselves
The Science Essayist: On The Uses of the Macabre

Science for Life.365: Day 33. Lance

Science. How hard can it be?: A tale of generations
Science. How hard can it be?: When we become nature?s mice.
Science. How hard can it be?: Remember when science was fun?
Science. How hard can it be?: Biology: Where the Red Queen rules

Science Is Everyone?s Story: The Health Cost of Black Women?s Hair Products
Science Is Everyone?s Story: Energy Journalism: Cleaning up the Numbers

Science left untitled: Cholera riots?!

Science of Mom: The Twinkle Light Model of Autism and the Brain
Science of Mom: Why Is Breast Milk So Low in Iron?

Science, Philosophy and Society: Planes, Trains and Past Participles
Science, Philosophy and Society: On Altruism

Science Sushi: Evolution: The Rise of Complexity
Science Sushi: Time ? and brain chemistry ? heal all wounds
Science Sushi: The Joke Isn?t Funny ? It?s Harmful
Science Sushi: Mythbusting 101: bulking up with bull shark testosterone
Science Sushi: Are lower pesticide residues a good reason to buy organic? Probably not.
Science Sushi: Is Climate Change To Blame For This Year?s West Nile Outbreak?
Science Sushi: Evolution: Out Of The Sea

Scientific American Guest Blog (Rob Dunn): The Hidden Truths about Calories
Scientific American Guest Blog (Rob Dunn): Professor?s Husband Discovered to Be Made of Nothing but Bacteria, Gas and Glue
Scientific American Guest Blog (Rob Dunn): How to Eat Like a Chimpanzee
Scientific American Guest Blog (Rob Dunn): Human Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians
Scientific American Guest Blog (Rob Dunn): Do Wild Bats Hold the Key to Understanding Human Tribal Behavior?
Scientific American Guest Blog (Rob Dunn): The Future Is the Place Where the Rivers All Sound Like Washing Machines
Scientific American Guest Blog (Rob Dunn): Has a New 10-Legged Species Evolved beneath Rome?
Scientific American Guest Blog (Rob Dunn): Eating off the Floor: How Clean Living Is Bad for You
Scientific American Guest Blog (Rob Dunn): Sick People Smell Bad: Why Dogs Sniff Dogs, Humans Sniff Humans, and Dogs Sometimes Sniff Humans
Scientific American Guest Blog (Layla Eplett): Food Fights: Reconsidering Famine and War in the Horn of Africa
Scientific American Guest Blog (Layla Eplett): Fava?the Magic Bean
Scientific American Guest Blog (Layla Eplett): Viral Videos and Infectious Disease?Healing in Northern Uganda
Scientific American Guest Blog (Layla Eplett): Talk ?Dirty? to Me: Blood, Purity and Cuisine
Scientific American Guest Blog (Layla Eplett): When Sparks Fly: Aphrodisiacs and the Fruit Fly
Scientific American Guest Blog (Caren Cooper ): Retro Science, Part 1
Scientific American Guest Blog (Caren Cooper ): Victorian-Era Citizen Science: Reports of Its Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
Scientific American Guest Blog (David Manly): What?s in a Name?
Scientific American Guest Blog (Amy Shira Teitel): John Glenn: The Man Behind the Hero
Scientific American Guest Blog (Cheryl Murphy): To Spot a Liar: An Offices of SciAm Mystery
Scientific American Guest Blog (Kara Rogers): Epigenetics: A Turning Point in Our Understanding of Heredity
Scientific American Guest Blog (Paige Brown): The ?Sustainability? Paradox?Interview with Paul Ehrlich
Scientific American Guest Blog (Pete Etchells): The PhD?s Guide to Academic Conferences
Scientific American Guest Blog (Amy Shira Teitel): Venus? Transits through History
Scientific American Guest Blog (See Arr Oh): Cochineal Dye Bugs Starbucks Customers
Scientific American Guest Blog (Alexis Rudd): Singing Snails and Killer Whales: Parallels in Conservation
Scientific American Guest Blog (Deborah Blum): About Pepper Spray
Scientific American Guest Blog (Meera Lee Sethi): Internet Porn Fills Gap in Spider Taxonomy
Scientific American Guest Blog (Cheryl Murphy): Learning the Look of Love: That Sly ?Come Hither? Stare
Scientific American Guest Blog (Cheryl Murphy): Music can change (the way we see) the world
Scientific American Guest Blog (The Dog Zombie): The Hearty Ingredients of Canis Soup
Scientific American Guest Blog (Paige Brown): Catalytic Clothing?-Purifying Air Goes Trendy
Scientific American Guest Blog (Melanie Tannenbaum): Trayvon Martin?s Psychological Killer: Why We See Guns That Aren?t There
Scientific American Guest Blog (Melanie Tannenbaum): If It Looks Like a Compliment, and Sounds Like a Compliment?Is It Really a Compliment?
Scientific American Guest Blog (Sam McNerney): A Brief Guide to Embodied Cognition: Why You Are Not Your Brain
Scientific American Guest Blog (Danica Radovanovic): Digital Divide and Social Media: Connectivity Doesn?t End the Digital Divide, Skills Do
Scientific American Guest Blog (Danica Radovanovic): Phatic Posts: Even the Small Talk Can Be Big
Scientific American Guest Blog (Harold Johnson): Too Good to Be True: Sea Mammals, Plastic Pollution and a Modern Chimera
Scientific American Guest Blog (Kyle Hill): Bill Nye Is Not a Businessman
Scientific American Guest Blog (Kyle Hill ): This Is Your Brain on the Internet (Maybe)
Scientific American Guest Blog (Bob Grumman): M@h*(pOet)?ica
Scientific American Guest Blog (Bob Grumman): M@h*(pOet)?ica: Summerthings
Scientific American Guest Blog (Bob Grumman): M@h*(pOet)?ica ? Louis Zukofsky?s Integral
Scientific American Guest Blog (Laura Newman): Global Drug Companies Go for Gold with Aggressive Insulin Analogue Marketing
Scientific American Guest Blog (Ricki Lewis): A Tale of 2 G-Spots
Scientific American Guest Blog (Ricki Lewis): Rare Diseases: 5 Recent Reasons to Cheer
Scientific American Guest Blog (Ricki Lewis): The Bonobo Genome and Rewinding the Tape of Life
Scientific American Guest Blog (Ricki Lewis): Body-Altering Mutations?-in Humans and Flies
Scientific American Guest Blog (Melanie Lenart): A River Rams through It: Argentina?s Rio Nuevo Portends Problems to Come in South America
Scientific American Guest Blog (Melanie Lenart): Visionary or Vision-Impaired? Lovelock Is Both
Scientific American Guest Blog (Melanie Lenart): Extreme Digging
Scientific American Guest Blog (Ricki Lewis): Hidden Meanings in Our Genomes?and What to Do with Mendel
Scientific American Guest Blog (Ricki Lewis): 10 Things Exome Sequencing Can?t Do?but Why It?s Still Powerful
Scientific American Guest Blog (Ricki Lewis): The Making of a Mutant: A Fruit Fly Love Story
Scientific American Guest Blog (Bradley Voytek): What Is Peer Review for?
Scientific American Guest Blog (Marie-Claire Shanahan): There?s Another Passion behind the Music of Whitehorse: The Sound of Scientific Thinking

Scientific Method: Revisiting why incompetents think they?re awesome
Scientific Method: Researchers find a way to keep quantum memory and logic in synch
Scientific Method: Watching a wavefunction as hydrogen explodes
Scientific Method: Making a material transparent in order to visualize its internal energy states
Scientific Method: Neutron stars might shed their skins before colliding

The Scorpion and the Frog: Magnetoreception is Not a Party For a Supervillain
The Scorpion and the Frog: A Sixth Sense
The Scorpion and the Frog: Baby, You Light Up My World Like Nobody Else
The Scorpion and the Frog: Uncontrollable Love
The Scorpion and the Frog: Snakes Deceive to Get a Little Snuggle
The Scorpion and the Frog: What Do Animals Think of Their Dead?
The Scorpion and the Frog: Sex, Lies and Spider Silk
The Scorpion and the Frog: The ?Love Hormone? Pageant and The ?Love Hormone? of 2012 fused into one.
The Scorpion and the Frog: Can a Horde of Idiots be a Genius? and Why This Horde of Idiots is No Genius fused into one.

SCWIST Blog: Brains, Behaviour, Girls, and Geeks

SeaMonster: Twilight of the giants in taxonomy
SeaMonster: Biodiversity and the battle for Planet Earth: The graphic novel

The Sieve: Catching Puppies
The Sieve: Mr. Meteor-right
The Sieve: The Story Told By Fingers That Don?t Wrinkle
The Sieve: Atomic super robot in space!

Sifting The Evidence: Kitty and Phineas: Always print the legend?
Sifting the Evidence: Bath salts ? does what it says on the tin?
Sifting the Evidence: Dawn of the Replications

Site of Science, Short Stories and (S)photography: Silver Nanoflower

Skulls in the Stars: Fran?ois Arago: the most interesting physicist in the world!
Skulls in the Stars: The secret molecular life of soap bubbles (1913)
Skulls in the Stars: ?Hairy balls? in optics?
Skulls in the Stars: Making magnets speak: the Barkhausen effect

The Snarky Scientist: Snarking the Science of The Bourne Legacy
The Snarky Scientist: How to Survive the End of Your Graduate School Tenure? A Memoir
The Snarky Scientist: Snarking Star Trek TNG: Genesis

Soapbox Science (Marialuisa Aliotta): Beginnings ? Top 10 Tips to Succeed in Your PhD

Social Dimension: New Ways to Measure Science
Social Dimension: The Fractal Dimension of ZIP Codes
Social Dimension: How to Evolve a Constant of the Universe
Social Dimension: The Inbreeding Coefficient of Superheroes
Social Dimension: Paradox of Hoaxes: How Errors Persist, Even When Corrected

Southern Fried Science: If fish evolved on land, where did they all go? Evolution and Biodiversity in the Ocean
Southern Fried Science: The horrifying physiological and psychological consequences of being Aquaman
Southern Fried Science: The importance of being Aquaman, or how to save the Atlantean from his briny fate
Southern Fried Science: An open letter to my newborn niece
Southern Fried Science: Ethics, Interdisciplinarity, and the Institutional Review Board

Southern Limits: Seven Myths Deniers Use To ?Debunk? Peak Oil, Debunked

Space Age Archaeology: Valley of the Cable Ties: the material culture of the contemporary past
Space Age Archaeology: The ghost in the machine: an interview with the Voyager 2 spacecraft at the edge of the solar system.

Speakeasy Science: Cough Syrup, Dead Children, and the Case for Regulation
Speakeasy Science: The Science of Mysteries: Instructions for A Deadly Dinner

Speaking of Research: A New Low at NIO: extremists threaten students

Spoonful of Medicine: Antibodies found in Peruvians suggest natural resistance to rabies in local vampire bats
Spoonful of Medicine: Vaccine stabilization technique proves as smooth as silk
Spoonful of Medicine: Heart failure drug piques interest, but not yet winning hearts
Spoonful of Medicine: Laboratory dye repurposed against protein clumps found in Huntington?s disease
Spoonful of Medicine: US experts demand compensation for injured trial participants
Spoonful of Medicine: One fish, two fish and 400,000 zebrafish
Spoonful of Medicine: Gene therapy

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=c74ec5cad1ae121390be84da7f52ee12

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